Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Micro Machining Center operates with zero metal contact

Model Zµ3500 uses temperature-controlled hydrostatic oil in hybrid spindle bearing, static pressure guides, and linear motor cooling system, virtually eliminating thermal distortion saturation time. At 25 hp, spindle reaches speeds of 30,000 rpm. Travels are 13.78 in X-axis and 11.8 in Y- and Z-axes. Positioning is accomplished with cooled scaled linear motors at 0.6 G in acceleration. Near absence of friction and vibration increases precision and reduces noise levels.
NOVI, MI - (May 1, 2006) A breakthrough in micro machining technology, NTC’s revolutionary Zµ3500 operates with zero metal contact, and achieves superior rigidity, accuracy and repeatability.
Traditional machining centers include calculated NC offset functions within the control to compensate for inherent inaccuracies due to backlash and other mechanical tolerance issues. However, functioning without linear guide ways, roller bearings or ball screws, the Zµ3500 overcomes the inertia of conventional technology, as well as the compromised tolerances required for that technology to function.
What’s more, when compared to other machines, where metal-to-metal contactproduces heat from friction, and creates thermal distortion, the Zµ3500’s zero metal contact design eliminates major sources of friction and related thermal distortion. The Zµ3500’s use of temperature-controlled hydrostatic oil in the hybrid spindle bearing, static pressure guides and the linear motor cooling system virtually eliminates thermal distortion saturation time. And, because traditional warm-up time is not required, productivity is enhanced substantially. The near-absence of friction (and therefore vibration) not only increases precision, but also extends tool life and reduces noise levels.
The Zµ3500’s spindle is the world’s first fluid hydro hybrid, incorporating hydrostatic and hydrodynamic technologies that virtually eliminate wear and run-out. At 25 HP, it reaches speeds of 30,000 RPM. The spindle utilizes HSK E32 tool holders. The 12-tool ATC is fully enclosed. Travels are 13.78″ in the X-axis and 11.8″ in the Y- and Z-axes. Positioning is accomplished with cooled scaled linear motors at 0.6G in acceleration.
The Zµ3500 is based on NTC’s extensive experience in building machining centers, grinders, and optics and semiconductor machines.


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